Eliza and Eleanor

Brass: Birmingham Solo Mode
version {{ appVersion }}

Select your player color

Eliza Deck Type:
Eleanor Deck Type:

Important Notes

New Game   |   Undo   |   View Board State

Game Setup

1) Setup your player board and the game board as normal.

2) Setup the following merchant tiles along with their beer as normal.

  • {{ location.name }}
    • {{ boardIndustryTileToStringWithResources(location.id, space.tile.id, false) }}

NOTE: These merchant tiles have been chosen randomly. If you don't like the setup try starting a new game and you'll get a new random setup!

3) Setup a deck for a normal {{ numberOfPlayers }}-player game. Take half of the cards (20 cards)Take one third of the cards (18 cards), and leave the rest out of the game for now. Deal yourself 8 cards, then deal one card to start your discard pile, then place the remaining 119 cards on the board.

4) Place Eliza's tiles (use Light Grayish Blue tiles) next to the board. You may setup a player board for her if you wish, but it is not necessary. Eliza does not use Level 1 industries nor Level 2 manufactured goods nor Level 2 pottery. These are all considered already developed.

5) Place Eleanor's tiles (use Yellow tiles) next to the board. You may setup a player board for her if you wish, but it is not necessary. Eleanor does not use Level 1 industries nor Level 2 manufactured goods nor Level 2 pottery. These are all considered already developed.

When you are done with setup, click 'Next' to begin the game!


It would be greatly appreciated if you could report the below error here: BoardGameGeek Thread.

{{ error }}

Your First Action

Your Second Action

{{ currentPlayer.name }}'s Action

{{ eraToString() }} Era: Round {{ currentRound }}

{{ player.name }}: £{{ playerAmountSpent(player) }}  /  

  • Build

  • Single Network

  • Double Network

  • Sell

  • Develop

  • Scout, Loan, Pass

< Go Back

What industry are you building?

  • {{ tileToString(tile) }}

< Go Back

Where are you building your {{ tileToString(humanPlayer.nextAction.actiondata.buildtile) }}?

  • {{ loc.name }} (Space {{ loc.spaceid }}) [Overbuild]

This tile cannot be built currently.

< Go Back

Confirm Your Action
Click 'Next' to confirm.

Complete Your Turn
Click 'Next' to confirm your second action and complete your turn.

  • {{ action.actionDesc }}
< Go Back

1st link: 2nd link: Where are you networking from?

  • {{ location.name }}

< Go Back

1st link: 2nd link: Where are you networking to?

NOTE: When networking from the Southern Farm Brewery, it does not matter if you choose Kidderminster or Worcester. Connections will be made between all 3 locations.

  • {{ location.name }}

< Go Back

Which industries are you selling?

< Go Back

Which industries are you developing (choose up to two)?
Below are the top 2 tiles of each type of developable industry on your board.

Gloucester Merchant Beer Bonus (Develop)
Choose industries to develop.

{{ industry.industrytypename }}
< Go Back

Building your {{ tileToString(humanPlayer.nextAction.actiondata.buildtile) }} in {{ humanPlayer.nextAction.actiondata.buildlocationname }} costs £{{ humanPlayer.nextAction.actiondata.buildtile.poundsCost }}.

Your {{ humanActionStringMap[humanPlayer.nextAction.action] }} action consumes {{ humanPlayer.nextAction.actiondata.consumelocations.coal.coalNeeded }} Coal.
Indicate below how much coal you are taking from each location.

  • {{ location.name }} (Space {{ location.spaceid }})

Your {{ humanActionStringMap[humanPlayer.nextAction.action] }} action consumes {{ humanPlayer.nextAction.actiondata.consumelocations.iron.ironNeeded }} Iron.
Indicate below how much iron you are taking from each location.

  • {{ location.name }} (Space {{ location.spaceid }})

Your {{ humanActionStringMap[humanPlayer.nextAction.action] }} action consumes {{ humanPlayer.nextAction.actiondata.consumelocations.beer.beerNeeded }} Beer.
Indicate below how much beer you are taking from each location.

  • {{ location.name }} (Space {{ location.spaceid }})

< Go Back

You do not need to enter anything into the app for Scout, Loan, or Pass.

Click 'Next' when you have finished your Scout, Loan, or Pass action.

{{ currentPlayer.name }} does the following:

ROUND {{ currentRound }}
Click 'Next' to continue.

  • Turn order has been calculated:

    {{ player.name }} (£{{ player.amountSpentThisRound ? player.amountSpentThisRound : 0 }})  ->  

  • Remember to receive (or pay) your income.

Rail Era Begins
Current score and setup instructions below. Click 'Next' to continue.

Please wait, calculating score...

{{ player.name }}: {{ player.totalVP }} VPs
VPs from Industries: {{ player.canalTileVP }}  |  VPs from Links: {{ player.canalLinkVP }}

  • Setup the Rail Era as normal (remove link tiles and level 1 industries and reset merchant beer).
  • Reshuffle your discard pile along with the cards you set aside during setup. Again, take half of the cards (20 cards)Again, take one third of the cards (18 cards) to form your deck for this round.
  • Deal yourself 8 cards, and place the remaining 1210 cards on the board. Since you get two actions in the first round of the Rail Era, you don't deal an extra card to start your discard pile. Your discard pile is initially empty.
  • Remember to receive (or pay) your income.

Final Score
Hope you enjoyed the game!

Please wait, calculating score...

{{ player.name }}: {{ player.totalVP }} VPs
VPs from Industries: {{ player.railTileVP }}  |  VPs from Links: {{ player.railLinkVP }}

[ Close Board State ]

You: {{ humanPlayer.totalVP }}VPs |  Eliza: {{ eliza.totalVP }}VPs  | Eleanor: {{ eleanor.totalVP }}VPs

Empty Coal Spaces in Market: {{ totalEmptyMarketCoalSpaces }}
Empty Iron Spaces in Market: {{ totalEmptyMarketIronSpaces }}

"X: " - a space with an industry tile

"-->" - a link tile

  • {{ location.name }}

    • {{ space.id + 1 }}:  {{ colorString(space.tile.color) }} | {{ boardIndustryTileToStringWithResources(location.id, space.tile.id, true) }}

    • --> {{ adjacentLocation.name }} ({{ adjacentLocation.colorString }})

report a bug

To report a bug, join my Discord. Please copy/paste the below error into a text file or google doc and then attach it to a message to me. The error is usually too long to copy into a direct message.

Copy to clipboard